Through evocative prose and watercolor illustrations, The Survivor Tree: Inspired by a True Story takes the reader on a journey of hope and healing that parallels our nation's own journey following the events of September 11, 2001.
A month after the collapse of the Twin Towers, workers on the site discovered a few green leaves showing through the gray concrete and ash. Clearing the debris, they found a badly injured Callery Pear Tree. The tree was taken to a nursery and put in the care of Richie, a City Parks Worker. No one was sure if it would live, but the following spring, a dove built a nest in its branches and new green buds appeared. Over the years, the tree, although still bearing scars, grew tall and strong. Now, the tree is planted in a place of honor on the 9/11 Memorial Plaza and is known as "The Survivor Tree." This story imaginatively describes the experience, memories, and feelings of the tree throughout its healing and eventual return home.
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